Kamila & Josh It was Kamila's birthday the day before the session so I decided to surprise her with a little treat for their shoot. I knew that they both LOVED donuts so I decided to pick up two from Donut Alliance in NE Baltimore. What I wasn't prepared for was how excited he got when I pulled them out of the car. I quickly found out about all the donut adventures they had gone on. He started to list all the top donut places in each state he had visited and I certainly know who to reach out for my future donut recommendation needs.
We had such a fun time strolling around downtown Baltimore, we really wanted to get the city feel in their session. We started in a parking garage and made our way down to the streets near the highway underpass. Found all the fun nooks ad colorful backdrops. Between their energy and their love for each other, these two made my job super easy and were down for anything.